Luxury Homes


Remove these things from your house immediately

Broken and unnecessary  items

Broken and items that are no longer in need should be removed from house. Items which are not useful to you can be someone’s need. Always keep an eye on unnecessary storage and broken things. Broken things like glasses, electronics, mirrors, cups and plates absorbs negative energy in the house.

Spider Webs

We all knows spiders and their webs are the sign of negative forces. Always check foe hidden area of house for such things. these small things make huge impact in life. Remove them immediately and fell the positive difference

Running Taps

Broken valves and running unused taps are very bad for prosperity in life. Continuous Running and draining of water are the sign of uncontrolled expenses. So, if you are want to save money, save water.

Bee Hives 

Bee hives are the sign of bad health in the famliy. One of the major downsides of modern beekeeping is the transmission of disease and parasites. Migratory beekeepers move their hives across the country for pollination and this practice has the potential to spread disease and pests not just among honey bee colonies, but to wild bees as well.

Dead Flowers/Plants

You know what has bad Chi? Dead flowers. The belief is that when flowers dry, they lose their Chi and drain a home’s vitality. … According to Feng Shui consultant Rodika Tchi, the challenge with dried flowers is to keep its energy fresh and special. t is indeed Bad Feng Shui to keep dried plants or dried flowers in your home or office. These objects are former living beings that have died, and are in the process of decay. Any objects that remind of death and decay reduce the vitality of a home or business.

Cracked Walls

the effect of cracks according to Vastu Sastra is very bad. In fact, there is an age old saying that says: Goddess Lakshmi will not dwell in the house/business premise that has cracks. in accordance with our age old architecture science called Vastu Sastra, cracks on the walls are believed to bring negative effects to the resident of the house. they must be sealed/plastered immediately .

Entangled Wires

They are the sign of miss- happening .When allowed to tangle, these cables can cause: Stumbling, injuries, and pull down your electronics too. Electrical shocks, especially when cables wear out. Short circuits leading to electrical fires.
